Available Products
In addition to the products listed below, we stock and order-in many other options for our patients. Please contact us for pricing or further information.
- Custom orthotic insoles
- TENS units and supplies
- Custom knee braces (Sports and Arthritic)
- Post-surgical cooling systems (Iceman, Cryocuff etc)
- Post-surgical knee immobilizer braces
- Shoulder slings
- Soft or rigid braces/supports for: knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists etc.
- Elbow band supports for tendonitis (Band-It)
- Low profile finger splints to correct arthritic misalignment (Oval-8)
- Shoulder pulley systems
- Herbal pain relief balm (Ramedica)
- Pain patches (Salonpas)
- Topical pain reliever (Biofreeze – tube, roll-on and spray)