About our services

Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Techniques provided by Dr. Lumley in Private Treatment rooms with a common Exercise/Rehab area.


  • Radial Shockwave Therapy
  • Traction (Neck and Low Back Disc/Nerve issues)
  • WAVE Whole-Body Advanced Vibration Exercise
  • Normatec Dynamic Air Compression Recovery Boots
  • Ultrasound, Electric Current, Heat, Ice
  • Stretching and Strengthening Programs
  • Balance and Proprioceptive Training
  • Fitness and Nutrition Counselling
  • Athletic Taping
  • Fittings for Custom Orthotics, Braces and Supports
  • Work Hardening for Return to Work Programs
  • Return to Sport Plan and Programs


Massage Therapy

Two Registered Massage Therapists provide extended hours of operation for your busy schedule. Appointment times are available early morning to evening Monday-Friday and 3 Saturdays a month.

Current Massage hours:

Mon  9:00-2:30  3:00-8:00gwil20802
Tue   9:00-8:00
Wed  9:00-8:00
Thu  9:00-1:00  1:30-8:00
Fri    10:30-4:30
Sat   9:00-2:00

For individual therapists information and hours, visit the Meet the team section of our website.


  • 30min     $55
  • 45min     $70
  • 60min     $85

Ask our therapists about the lighter touch massage designed for our Fibromyalgia clients!

Gift Certificates on hand. Extended Health Benefits accepted and billed direct whenever possible! Motor Vehicle Claims welcome.

WAVE Whole-Body Advanced Vibration Exercise

wave_commercial_fullThe WAVE was developed and designed by a group of doctors, therapists and health professionals. They set out to refine the best technology on the market, creating a safe and effective means of exercise for everyone. This ranges from the older population to the high performance athlete.

WAVE Exercise units make muscles involuntarily contract and relax 20-50 times per second, multiplying the effect of every move the users make.

Vibration exercise includes a variety of reported benefits related to fitness, healthy-lifestyle and wellness related outcomes.

  • Low impact
  • Reduced exercise time
  • Improves strength and power
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Enhancement of athletic performance
  • Increased flexibility
  • Enhanced stability, balance and mobility
  • Enhanced recovery from injury
  • Increased circulation and blood flow
  • Improved lymphatic drainage
  • Positive effects on bone density
  • Pain reduction

Our patients have two means to access Vibrational Exercise:

First: Through Dr. Lumley as part of your physical therapy or exercise/weight loss program. This service is provided under Dr. Lumley’s supervision and direction for her patients, and as such is billable under insurance, WSIB or Motor Vehicle claims if applicable.

Second: If you don’t have benefits, Dr. Lumley will design and set up specific programs to achieve your therapeutic or fitness goals. Fee schedule is based on the individual program details.

*above information regarding WAVE technology provided by WAVE Manufacturing Inc.*